A pinch of frustration, a cup of irritation and a thick slice of discontentment completes the recipe of stress for our current situation.
During this very hard time of COVID-19 pandemic , stress is something that can not be avoided. The mere fact that our actions are very limited emphasizes just how different life is compared to before and yet, we can not do anything but comply to for our own safety.
How should we deal with the stress caused by the recent events then?
ACCEPT. Recognize that no one really wanted this to happen. Everyone was just as surprise as you when the pandemic broke out. Life is really full of good and bad surprises and unfortunately, we just received a bad one. Let us learn to accept and live with it.
SHARE. Explaining the reason of one's frustration can help in lessening the emotional burden . It does not make the problem go away but it is nice to know that someone understands your situation. Talking via online programs such as zoom, messenger and google meet is a good and safe way to talk with friends and love ones during this pandemic.
Be positive. Good things take time. It is true that negative things keep on happening, but it helps if you also look at the other side of the coin. Being optimistic during a bad situation can bring joy to someone's heart because of the hope it gives.
Relax.Do not make life harder by being hard on yourself. Find a hobby, read a book, watch movies that you wanted to watch before and bond with your family. Making yourself busy makes you loose track of time. And you will hardly notice that the bad times are gone and the good ones are back.
Be kind. You are not alone. Everyone is also frustrated because of the situation. Being kind is free and gives joy to other people. It is a unique way of saying " we are all in this together" . The affection that we give to others maybe something that made their day. Be kind, it really helps.
There is no such things as a perfect life ,not even close. Stress will come and go from time to time and the only thing that we can do is todeal with it ourselves.